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The Power of BVOD Advertising

Oliver Notley Aug 24, 2023 3 min read
A photo of a iMac with Netflix on it.
Digital Marketing

Including BVOD advertisements along with TV ads is an effective strategy for reaching your target audience. With the growth of streaming in a changing TV landscape, adapting your approach is integral for success. BVOD ads allow for a targeted approach that complements the wide net cast by TV ads. This is just one of several ways that marketers can optimise their approach to streaming ads.


The changing TV landscape in Australia

The landscape of TV has forever shifted in Australia. An explosion of choice has revolutionised how consumers engage with TV. No longer limited to a single platform, consumers are chasing content across multiple platforms in their search for the ultimate viewing experience. As digital marketers, we are always looking for new ways to reach our target audience. In today’s world, that means finding ways to reach them on streaming platforms.


A recent survey found that consumers reported an average of 2.7 paid TV subscriptions (including streaming video on demand (SVOD) and pay TV) at their disposal. One of these subscriptions was always at risk, with the average respondent showing a desire to have one less paid subscription. 27% of those who cancelled a subscription stated they cancelled that subscription to replace it with another. However, two-thirds of paid content subscribers were also open to signing up for at least one more service. This points to subscription behaviours being fluid and suggests that streaming services have reached saturation.


To maintain profitability and audience, streaming platforms are pivoting to offer ad-supported streaming as part of their subscription tier model. Popular streaming platforms such as Netflix and BINGE have already incorporated ad-supported models in Australia. This creates an important opportunity for marketers to utilise in their strategies.


Online video viewing is becoming the new norm across Australia, and Total TV is taking up the lion’s share of this shift. Total TV makes up 72.6% of total at-home video viewing on any device, followed by SVOD at 15.3% and social video at 12.1%. And according to our survey, 73% of respondents still engage with linear TV at least weekly. This highlights that TV is still a consistent part of people’s viewing habits.


However, the rise of streaming is having a significant impact on TV advertising. As viewers move away from traditional TV, they are exposed to fewer ads. This is a major challenge for advertisers, who have traditionally relied on TV advertising to reach a large audience. A modern approach is necessary to keep up with the changing tide.

Combining BVOD and TV Advertising

One effective and efficient way to adapt to the changing TV landscape is by combining TV ads with broadcast video on demand (BVOD) advertising. TV advertising can reach a large audience, while BVOD advertising can reach a more targeted audience. By using both channels, we can reach a wider range of people and get our message in front of more eyeballs.


According to the latest VOZ data, TV alone only reaches 48% of people nationally, BVOD reaches 10% nationally and 21% watch both. By buying both there is an incremental gain of 30%, meaning you can reach 78% of people nationally.


This is a powerful combination that can be very effective for reaching a target audience. And as the streaming market continues to grow, it will become an increasingly important part of the marketer’s toolkit.


Reaching your target audience on streaming platforms

While BVOD is a valuable tool, there are other considerations when advertising on streaming platforms. Here are some additional tips for advertisers looking to reach their target audiences with streaming ads:


  • Use data to target your ads more effectively. Streaming platforms collect a wealth of data about their users. By utilising this data, you can target more precisely and get better returns as a result.
  • Increase incremental reach with tech partners such as Samba TV. Doing this makes you more effective at targeting and negative targeting TV watchers.
  • Measure the results of your campaigns. It’s important to track the results of your campaigns. This allows you to examine what works and what doesn’t so you can fine-tune your overall approach.


For more information, please reach out to your Unify team member.

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The avatar for Oliver Notley.
Oliver Notley Performance Director

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